A Christ Centered Church:
We preach, teach and confess Jesus Christ as the only Savior of mankind.
A Bible Church:
We believe and teach that the entire Bible is the inerrant Word of God given by the inspiration of the Holy Spirit.
A Sacramental Church:
We administer the Sacraments of Baptism and the Lord's Supper according to the words of Christ's institution and command.
A Gospel Church:
Our preaching and teaching is "Gospel" centered. We proclaim the Good News that God, through His only Son, Jesus Christ, has redeemed the world from the slavery of sin, death, and hell.
A Lutheran Church:
That traces its foundations to Martin Luther's Reformation of 1517 and the Church of the Apostles established by Jesus Christ himself. We are also part of a church body with over 6000 member congregations called The Lutheran Church-Missouri Synod.
Located at 1195 Prairieview Ave.
Van Meter, Iowa 50261
Call us at 515-996-2093
Email us at trinity.lcms@yahoo.com
Even though the sun is shining and bad weather is not in the immediate picture, it is bound to come. After all, this is Iowa, right? In the event services need to be canceled here at Trinity, it will be shown on WHO TV (Channel 13), KCCI TV (Channel 8) or WOI TV (Channel 5). It should also be announced on WHO Radio (1040 AM). We will also try to post info on this website as soon as possible.
Copyright © 2020 Trinity Lutheran Church, All Rights Reserved.
1195 Prairieview Ave, Van Meter, IA 515-996-2093